English Myanmar
How do you ask fortunes to SanZarniBo?

Firstly, you have to download the SanZarniBo - Astrology application in the Google Play Store/iOS App Store. After downloading, you must register within the application before proceeding to press “Ask Your Fortune” and choosing your respective category to ask Sayar SanZarniBo.

Download links

How do I ask fortunes for love, marriage and health?

Users are able to choose from 9 categories just for fortunes without counting “Baby Naming & Horoscopes”, “Baby’s Date of Birth” and “Business Name”.
To proceed, users must input the name, date of birth, time of birth, day of the week they were born, address and phone number of the person they’re asking fortunes for. This will direct users towards the payment page where they can choose a payment method of their choice before the full query is completed. Users will receive their asked fortune in the timeline that was sent to their notifications after succeeding with the payment.

How do I ask Sayar SanZarniBo for Baby Naming & Horoscopes?

To get access to Baby Naming & Horoscopes, please press “Ask Your Fortune” where you will see “Baby Naming & Horoscopes” within this list

After pressing “Baby Naming & Horoscopes”, users will have to input the parent’s names, baby’s date of birth, baby’s place of birth with the full address before being directed towards the payment portal.
Asking for fortunes within the “Baby Naming & Horoscopes” category will give users,

1. A name for their baby.

2. A PDF full of horoscopes concerning the baby along with charms to carry for protection.

How do I ask Sayar SanZarniBo for a Baby’s Date of Birth?

To get access to Baby’s Date of Birth, please press “Ask Your Fortune” where you will see “Baby’s Date of Birth” within this list.

After pressing “Baby’s Date of Birth”, users must input the parent’s information, baby’s sibling’s date of birth(s), hospital/doctor’s recommended dates for baby to be born and the full address of where the baby will be born before being directed towards the payment portal.

Asking for fortunes within the “Baby’s Date of Birth” category will give users,

1. Recommended time and date for baby to be born for a long and prosperous life.

How do I ask Sayar SanZarniBo for my Business Name?

To ask for your business name, press “Ask Your Fortune” where you will see “Business Name” within this list.

Users are able to choose between Business Naming & Company Naming.

Choosing Business Naming will let users receive

1. A name for your business

2. Colors for your business/branding

3. Recommendations for your business billboard

4. Tips on how to decorate your interior to maximize your good fortune

Choosing Company Naming will let users receive

1. A name for your business that we will check with DICA to make ensure that no duplicate company name is created.

2. Colors for your business/branding

3. Recommendations for your business billboard

4. Tips on how to decorate your interior to maximize your good fortune

Users must input their business type, company type and other required information before proceeding to the payment portal to ask this fortune successfully.

How do I receive my fortunes?

After asking your fortune to Sayar SanZarniBo, an audio file or PDF file (depending on the fortune you asked) will be sent towards the “Answers” section of the “Your Fortunes” tab within the application in either 3 days or however long was noted within the notification upon purchase success. Users are able to download their audio files and PDF files from the “Answers” section at any point in time.

Payment Methods
What payment methods are available for me to ask fortunes?

Users are able to use KBZPay, MPT, Ooredoo, and Atom to purchase fortunes within the SanZarniBo application.

If you’re purchasing from within the KBZPay application, the purchase will be deducted from your KBZPay account.

For people without the KBZPay application, users can pay with KBZPay QR Code by contacting 09-881196669 or the “San Zarni Bo စံ-ဇာဏီဘို” Facebook page.

To purchase with MPT, Ooredoo and Atom users must input their phone number and complete the verification upon purchase to use the phone’s balance to receive their fortunes.

If there are any issues upon payment, please contact 09-881196669 or the “San Zarni Bo စံ-ဇာဏီဘို” Facebook page for support.

How can I set an appointment for an in-person session with Sayar SanZarniBo?

You are able to contact his Yangon office at 09-40992811, 01-3641639 and his out-of-Yangon number 09-421745840 from 9:30 AM to 5:00PM to make an in-person appointment. You are also able to contact him through Facebook at the “San Zarni Bo စံ-ဇာဏီဘို” page.